Who we are
- Critical Minerals Explorer and Developer
- Australian focused, ASX Listed
- Experienced and broad technical capability
- Responsible & Ethical operators
Operate Ethically and Responsibly, outcome focused and deliver on what we say to add value for all stakeholders
We believe in diversity, inclusion, equality with health and safety protocols at the forefront of all operations
Technical Effectiveness is a primary objective – We leverage collaborations, a skilled workforce and innovation to make a little go a long way
Committed to sustainability across the community in which we operate, the environment we undertake exploration and development on and to deliver projects which will assist Australia in its clean energy transition
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)
A strategic focus on critical minerals and green metals through ongoing exploration and development
The Importance of ESG
The Board and management hold ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) considerations as core to the Company’s activities. Godolphin teams design and execute our programs to prevent negative environmental effects, engage positively with local communities, manage risks effectively, comply with evolving regulations, which contribute to attracting investment, and ensuring the long term viability of shareholders investments in the Company.
Demonstrating a commitment to responsible practices builds trust with stakeholders, including landowners, investors and regulators, while safeguarding Godolphin’s reputation and contributing to the sustainable development of the regions the Company operates in.
E = Environment
Minimising Land Impact
Godolphin is committed to minimising the impact on land on which it operates and fully rehabilitating that ground following our mineral exploration activities. This includes a number of measures which have been designed and implemented by the Company in ongoing consultation with the landowner and other stakeholders.
Prior to drilling of an exploration site, a photographic record is taken and any significant vegetation is identified and fenced off.
All practical measures are then taken to minimise the impact of drilling and other surface sampling or remote sensing operations on the environment.
Upon completion of drilling, the site is fully rehabilitated to meet the objectives that have been discussed and agreed with the landowner.
Godolphin’s rehabilitation process involves:
- Plugging each drill hole so no ground water flows to surface;
- Cutting of protruding drill collars to below ground level;
- Backfill drill hole and mound with surplus material to allow for settling over time;
- Restore original land contours of drill site;
- Remove all foreign material and samples and dispose of in an approved waste facility;
- Shallow rip of the drill sites and associated access tracks (if required) to overcome soil compaction; and
- Apply seed to achieve desired rehabilitation outcome (eg. pasture, crop, native seed) if required and in consultation with the landholder.
Godolphin also works closely with local communities when undertaking these activities.
Before drilling at the Cyclops prospect on EL8538 Yeoval -
After drilling at the Cyclops prospect on EL8538 Yeoval
Before drilling at the Surprise Hill North prospect on EL8061 Gundagai North -
After drilling at the Surprise Hill North prospect on EL8061 Gundagai North
S = Social - including community and our people
Community Engagement
Community engagement is of the utmost importance to Godolphin. It forms a key part of our exploration activities, and is fundamental to the Company’s future as a successful exploration and development company.
Godolphin has a strong dedication to the communities where we conduct operations, and prioritises effective communication with all stakeholders involved. This includes local residents, landowners, native title holders, shareholders, employees, contractors, and the broader community.
This commitment extends to maintaining regular dialogues with the community, ensuring that local stakeholders are engaged in discussions about our exploration activities and are given the platform to voice any concerns each group may have. Our priority is to listen to and understand all stakeholders and meet or exceed expectations each and every time.
At Godolphin, we acknowledge that the Company’s ability to operate harmoniously relies on treating all stakeholders with equity and respect. To this end, the Company is focussed on environmental preservation and enhancing the well-being of the communities being engaged with.
Godolphin’s approach to community engagement is an ongoing process that is designed to build and strengthen relationships and trust over time. This philosophy is vital for Godolphin Resources.
Godolphin regularly seeks out opportunities to communicate with the local community in which it is operating.
Community Consultation Reports are drafted each year for each tenement. You can request a copy of a Community Consultation Report here or from the Investor tab of the website.
Prioritising the health, safety and well-being of the Company’s staff is essential to the success of Godolphin Resources and the prosperity of the broader community. Where possible, Godolphin extends employment opportunities to people in the local communities.
The Company’s commitment to safety begins with thorough inductions, comprehensive training, and a thorough understanding of Company policies, establishing a strong foundation for on-site safety. Godolphin utilise a state-of-the-art occupational health and safety (OHS) application for safety management, which includes site inductions, safety reporting and remote work and journey management.
Upholding the wellbeing of team members remains of paramount importance to Godolphin, and consequently, the Company regularly offers safety related and first aid courses for all our employees.
It is imperative to offer Company employees avenues for continuous professional growth. At a time of escalating technological advancements in the mining sector, Godolphin not only engages in strong collaboration, but also involves experts on-site for technical consultation as required. The Company extends opportunities for external training and participation in technical conferences, ensuring that our workforce remains highly skilled.
The Company is also very proud of the diversity within Godolphin Resources, including gender parity on the Board.
G = Governance
At Godolphin, the Board integrates stringent corporate governance practices. The incorporation of risk management is a key item of the Board’s purview. To this end, the Company has a comprehensive Risk Register that identifies critical risks facing Godolphin, encompassing social, environmental, and financial dimensions. The effectiveness of controls to mitigate or minimise these risks are regularly evaluated.
Further details of our governance is included in our annual Corporate Governance Statement, and our Corporate Governance section on our website. These documents are regularly reviewed by Company personnel.