Other Rare Earth Element (REE) Projects

EL9506 – Bingara (New South Wales)

EL9506 (to be named the Bingara Project) is in the New England Region of northern NSW, 8km south-southwest of Bingara. Godolphin lodged an application following a review of state-wide geological and geophysical data, focusing on areas of the State with similar signatures to the Australian Strategic Metals (ASM) Jurassic aged Toongi Prospect near Dubbo, NSW. Key indicators included the potential for similar Jurassic peralkaline rock units, host to the Toongi deposit, to occur; and similar geophysical responses with high radiometric responses associated with peralkaline rocks.

EL9506 contains both Mesozoic and Cenozoic aged igneous rocks which display characteristic radiometric geophysical signatures. No historic or recent exploration for REEs has been completed in the area, which makes it an exciting new addition to GRL’s REE portfolio.

The tenement is granted for a six-year period with an exploration strategy outlined that will see Godolphin complete initial in-depth desk-top data analysis, geological mapping and geochemical sampling supplemented with geophysics and drilling of suitable targets. Several geophysical targets have already been identified across the tenement and will be prioritised in the early phases of the exploration program.